۲ نتیجه برای جستجوی عبارت «Presidential debates;Democratic debates;2020 debates».
۱۴۰۳-۱۱-۱۲ ۰۸:۲۸ [الجزیره انگلیسی]
Guantanamo deportations: What’s Trump’s plan? Why is it controversial?
... , where the total population is 341 million, according to estimates by the Pew Research Center. Debates about immigration have... dominated US politics in recent years and formed a crucial part of the recent presidential election campaign. Trump has promised ...
۱۴۰۳-۱۱-۰۹ ۰۵:۰۰ [گاردین]
The loudest megaphone: how Trump mastered our new attention age
... central point, that it’s a long way down from the Lincoln-Douglas debates of 1858, where the two challengers for the Illinois... democratic global conversations. Now, the wisdom of crowds would rule. That’s not what happened. The internet really did bring ...