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۱۴۰۳-۰۱-۰۱ ۱۶:۳۵ [واشنگتن پست]
Top reader photos of D.C.’s cherry blossoms and the beloved tree Stumpy
Washington, D.C.’s cherry trees, which reached peak bloom very early this year, are stunning.
۱۴۰۳-۰۱-۰۱ ۲۱:۰۴ [واشنگتن پست]
Love at first light: Cherry blossom devotees hit Tidal Basin at dawn
Locals and visitors alike head to the Tidal Basin as early as 4 a.m. to avoid crowds and capture the cherry blossoms at sunrise.
۱۴۰۳-۰۱-۰۳ ۱۰:۰۰ [واشنگتن پست]
How to take the best photos of the cherry blossoms
We went to the Tidal Basin during peak bloom to get tips from Washington Post photojournalists on how to take the best photos of the cherry blossoms.
۱۴۰۳-۰۱-۰۲ ۱۰:۰۰ [واشنگتن پست]
Hey, cherry blossoms! You’re not the only beautiful trees in D.C.
Cherry blossoms might be the belles of the ball, but there are plenty of other pretty, sweet-smelling plants on the National Mall.