۳ نتیجه برای جستجوی عبارت «66369003».
۱۴۰۳-۰۲-۰۹ ۰۰:۰۸ [الجزیره انگلیسی]
Iraq criminalises same-sex relationships with maximum 15 years in prison
The law is backed mainly by Shia Muslim parties who form the largest coalition in Iraq’s parliament.
۱۴۰۳-۰۲-۰۹ ۱۶:۴۲ [گاردین]
Human rights groups and diplomats condemn Iraq’s anti-LGBTQ+ law
US state department says law could drive away foreign investment and David Cameron calls it ‘dangerous and worrying’
۱۴۰۳-۰۲-۰۸ ۱۵:۲۱ [الجزیره انگلیسی]
The Abu Ghraib abuse scandal 20 years on: What redress for victims?
Two decades since images of Iraqi men being abused by US soldiers shocked the world, victims still seeking justice.