۲ نتیجه برای جستجوی عبارت «71373567».
۱۴۰۳-۱۱-۲۵ ۱۸:۳۳ [گاردین]
Just a fluke: whale spits out kayaker in incident captured on camera
‘I thought I was dead,’ said the kayaker, who was let go by humpback off the Chilean coast after a few seconds
۱۴۰۳-۱۱-۲۷ ۱۶:۰۰ [گاردین]
Forget Stalin and Trotsky, Animal Farm is a play for our times. Pringles anyone? | Alison Phillips
George Orwell’s publishers thought his parable was too specific. They needn’t have worried, 80 years on it’s as salient as ever