۳ نتیجه برای جستجوی عبارت «69519260».
۱۴۰۳-۰۸-۱۴ ۱۱:۰۰ [گاردین]
Democrats see hope with Latino and Black voters in vital swing county but leaders fear disenchantment will prevail
Kamala Harris supporters are working frantically to convince Latino and Black voters their voice matters in Saginaw, Michigan
۱۴۰۳-۰۸-۱۱ ۰۱:۳۵ [گاردین]
Marielle Franco murder: ex-police jailed for decades over crime that shook Brazil
Ronnie Lessa and Élcio de Queiroz sentenced to 78 and 59 years over 2018 murder of prominent Rio city councillor
۱۴۰۳-۰۸-۱۱ ۱۱:۲۷ [گاردین]
How a 16-year-old’s coercive behaviour led to the murder of Holly Newton
Schoolgirl was apparently killed for the most mundane reason: her ex-boyfriend could not accept losing her