۴ نتیجه برای جستجوی عبارت «65759645».
۱۴۰۲-۱۲-۲۹ ۱۵:۰۰ [واشنگتن پست]
Fatal shootings in D.C.’s Shaw area recall neighborhood’s violent past
Two men were killed and five people wounded Sunday almost 30 years to the day after a similarly brazen, deadly attack nearby
۱۴۰۲-۱۲-۲۹ ۰۰:۵۹ [واشنگتن پست]
Men charged with murder in D.C. killing of bystander in January
Court documents say the three men also have been charged with various counts in connection with an armed robbery of a Metrobus passenger’s Moose Knuckle coat.
۱۴۰۲-۱۲-۲۷ ۱۲:۰۰ [واشنگتن پست]
Pr. George’s sees deadly start to March with eight homicides
The total number of homicides is about on par with this time last year.
۱۴۰۲-۱۲-۲۶ ۲۲:۵۵ [گاردین]
Philadelphia shooting suspect will face charges in Pennsylvania and New Jersey
The gunman is suspected of killing his stepmother, his sister and the mother of his children before being arrested in New Jersey