شناسهٔ خبر: 67304484 - سرویس بین‌الملل
منبع: تابناک | لینک خبر

Latest on Iran’s presidential elections: A closer look at hopefuls’ vows, remarks, plans to garner support

Iranian presidential hopefuls keep campaigns, outlining plans and programs in various fields in a bid to rally support for the upcoming vote scheduled for June 28.

صاحب‌خبر -

TABNAK:  As elections atmosphere is heating up in Iran, lawmaker Masoud Pezeshkian, running for the president, has called people ‘an opportunity not a threat’, to the Islamic Republic of Iran’s sovereignty.

He has already stressed national cohesion in a national TV debate, saying, “Diplomacy and negotiation do not amount to humiliation. We are not going to fight with anyone, unless they want to harm the honor and pride of our country. We will not cave in to coercion, which is against our dignity.”

On the other side, Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf, another candidate taking part in the presidential contest, said on Wednesday, “Our biggest problem in managing resources. Our mines are regarded as major resources.”

The parliament speaker who visited the mine-rich southeastern City of Kerman on Wednesday also blasted the current high inflation in the country which “has lasted for more than a decade.” Ghalibaf further vowed to prioritize ‘curbing inflation’ in his administration if elected.

Saeed Jalili, former Nuclear Negotiator, and another leading candidate in the elections, said on Wednesday, “Today, there is a world of opportunities is facing us,” stressing that the ‘world of opportunities’ should turn to progress for Iran.

Jalili Speaking in a presidential campaign program in the central city of Alborz, also stressed the role of Iranian women in the country’s promotion and progress as blasting western countries’ ‘discriminatory view’ at women.

Iran is gearing up for its presidential elections on June 28, following an early call due to the tragic death of President Raisi in a helicopter accident on May 19th, during his third year in office.

On June 9, the Ministry of Interior revealed the final list of qualified candidates to compete in these elections. According to the Constitution, the validation of candidates falls under the responsibility of the Guardian Council, composed of twelve members, half of whom are clerics appointed by the Leader.

In addition, according to Article 99 of the Iranian Constitution, the Guardian Council's primary responsibilities include overseeing the electoral processes in the country.

Following a thorough analysis of the candidates' profiles, the Council decides to officially approve or reject their nominations.
On this occasion, the Council did not approve the candidacies of prominent figures such as former President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Ali Larijani, former Speaker of Parliament, nor that of former Vice President Eshaq Jahangiri.

The six candidates approved by the Guardian Council, and thus eligible to participate in the elections, include Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf, Saeed Jalili, Tehran Mayor Alireza Zakani, Masoud Pezeshkian, Former Minister of Justice Mostafa Pourmohammadi, and Head of Iran’s Martyrs and Veterans Foundation Amir-Hossein Ghazizadeh Hashemi.